Sometimes the spirit of the season finds you in unexpected ways. For me, it was during a recent shopping trip for wrapping paper and assorted holiday supplies. As I approached my car in the store parking lot, I saw something odd on my windshield.
As I got closer I discovered that it was a small ball of red ribbon, still in the package. Then a gentleman who was parked next to me with a service dog by his side said, “You dropped your ribbon so I put it on your windshield for you.”
I thanked him and his pup for their gesture. I was so moved and taken aback by their kindness and generosity. In all the hustle and bustle of the season, the ribbon must have fallen out of my car.
As I was getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, two young women came around to my car window and said, “You dropped your ribbon.”
Evidently there was a second ball of red ribbon beside my car. I was leaving a trail of ribbon everywhere. I thanked them for their kindness.
After a day of hearing nothing but sad and tragic stories in the news, these gestures made me smile and tear up a little. It wasn’t about the ribbon as much as it was about the kindness of strangers, which I won’t soon forget.
It was my own personal “Christmas miracle” that reminded me, in the rush of getting everything done, what the season is really about. I went about the rest of that day paying those gestures forward to strangers who planned to pay it forward as well.
Those balls of ribbon began a chain of spreading holiday cheer that I hope will continue well after the holidays are over.
Two balls of red ribbon now hang on my tree and will do so every year from now on to remind me about what this season is really about.
It’s the little things we can do for others that are truly the big things. You never know how a small gesture on your part can make a huge difference for someone else. Thank you to those strangers who picked up my ribbon and my spirits this season.
Merry Christmas and all the best to you in the New Year.