About Deb Neuman

Deb Neuman

Deb Neuman

Deb Neuman has experienced both the blessings and curse of being born with an entrepreneurial spirit and drive. It began when she was too young to know better and decided to make money selling her siblings toys to kids in the neighborhood without their permission (not recommended).

Since then, she has owned an Inn, tour boat operation, manufacturing business and has developed products for market. In 2013 she created a blog and related products called “Not Your Mother’s Menopause”. In 2006 she launched the “Back To Business” radio show on WVOM to tell the stories about Maine businesses. She can be seen on WABI TV sharing business tips and writes feature stories for Bangor Metro Magazine. She spends her mornings talking on the radio on BIG 104 FM with Mike Dow.

Deb has worked with businesses statewide, serving as Deputy Commissioner for Maine’s Department of Economic and Community Development, as Director of the Target Technology Incubator at the University of Maine and as a business lender and coach with Eastern Maine Development Corporation.

Deb will tell you there is no “formula” to business success but there are ways to improve your chances. She, like many entrepreneurs has made her share of “learning opportunities” and shares those lessons to help others. She is well versed in the many resources available to help anyone interested in starting or growing a business in Maine and truly believes that Maine is a great place to live and start a business!

Deb is from “away” and discovered Maine when she visited with her family when she was 6 years old. She spent the rest of her childhood plotting her strategy to make Maine her permanent home. That dream came true shortly after college at the University of the Pacific and she has no plans to leave, ever.